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Your life style (2)

Top Page > Preparation for a natural birth > Your life style (2)

For natural birth

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a ) Do not tire your eyes

Your eyes will be more sensitive during pregnancy and the postnatal period and will get tired very easily. Reading too much, using computers at work or in the evenings will really tire your eyes. This will result in tensions building up in the shoulders neck and the back. You might have been fine with the current amount you use your eyes before pregnancy, but it will be a greater burden during

pregnancy. Women holding a lot of tension in the back tend to have more tension in the belly and it becomes harder for the womb to open up during the labor.

pregnancy. Women holding a lot of tension in the back tend to have more tension in the belly and it becomes harder for the womb to open up during the labor.

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b) Warm your body – especially feet

For an easier labor, we strongly recommend to keep your body warm, especially feet, at all times during pregnancy.

Feet have many pressure points connected to the womb. Hence by warming feet, the baby grows well and strong. We also recommend moxibustion during pregnancy and maybe this is the reason why all the babies born in our center have really thick and firm umbilical cords!

It is not too much to say that it is the mother’s responsibility to make the environment of the baby as nice as possible, so by keeping herself warm, her body will be more relaxed and the womb will be a more comfortable place for the baby. In our experience, most people who experience premature birth and a bleached birth tend to have chilled belly and cold feet. On the other hand, people with warm bellies and feet tend to have a good strong contraction, as well as much less postnatal bleeding, as the uterus is able to contract efficiently.

In our experience, many medical problems and emergencies during labor that people worry about can be avoided by simply keeping warm during pregnancy.

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c) Eat Japanese diet where vegetables forming the main part of dishes.

Cutting down sweets and oil in the food and eating mainly vegetables will help you to control excessive weight gain as well as prevent oedema.

Please look at Health and Meals for more information.
